最近迷上 美國影集 Grey's Anatomy (譯:實習醫生)

都已經Season 12 , 現才認真看到Season 6.當初沒看是因為害怕醫院常看到血淋淋的畫面,但說也奇怪 看著看著也就不這麼害怕 . 

除了闡述醫院醫療人員的生活、帶點美式幽默,當然也包含每個角色的感情發展(特別是好奇 Meredith 與 Derek的感情發展), 對人性、感情的細膩刻畫不禁會令人同時感動與深思

特別是 Season 2 的 ep.17 片尾 Derek 細細描述分手前最後一次親吻的情境與的 Ellis一句台詞 If you knew this was your last day ~, how would you want to spend it?

2016-06-04 added

In ep.7 of season 6, one patient has serious angioma which is trumors growing beside the veins, Derek tries to get rid of the tumors over 10 hours for twice and makes it in second trail.

Laxie & Christina even put on the diaper for long-time surgery. How they respect their works.

So admire the affection between Derek and Meridth, sharing what they've being through all the dat while home and even having discussion for the difficulty. Such a valuably interactive chating stands not only a impress of love, but also a kind of trust. 

Though Technology benefits our life, we ought to learn not to be controlled by it. People alway slide mobile phone for checking if any missing message, chatting on-line with each other, even just sitting beside you. Life is short, why not just put down your mobile device and chat with your friend(s)/families who just is/are right beside you in face by face? ☺️

2016-05-26 added as below, and I fall in love with Ingrid Michaelson 

In ep. 3 of season 6

The Chain, starting with Piano and Violin, just hit my favorite tune combination.

Be impressed that the sadness is outlined/stressed by the Violin, and following is performed with the nifty rhythm for the heart-broken.


2016-05-25 added as below

"Turn to Rock" 以澎薄氣勢鋼琴為起頭,中段 穿插 soft murmuring.   


2016-05-26 added as below, and I fall in love with Ingrid Michaelson 

In ep. 3 of season 6

The Chain, starting with Piano and Violin, just hit my favorite tune combination.

Be impressed that the sadness is outlined/stressed by the Violin, and following is performed with the nifty rhythm for the heart-broken.


To be continued~


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